Camp Salmen Nature Park
It only seems fitting my first blog post should be about a place in my hometown. I’ve spent the past few weeks working hard on building a new website to showcase my work. It was important to me that it felt like a personal, online representation of myself. So, giving it equal importance as my portfolio of work, I wanted a space that I could share random projects and photos from adventures. Introducing – this blog. So let’s get started.
I spent Labor Day weekend visiting my family in Louisiana. I finally carved out enough time to make it to a new nature park that they’ve opened in recent years. Trips home are chaotic enough trying to coordinate family time and seeing old friends. But Camp Salmen Nature Park has really limited hours – assuming so that it’s easily kept up. It’s only open Friday to Sunday from 9am-4:30pm. Luckily this trip I made some time to check it out and was sure to bring my camera. It’s a relatively small park with trails through the woods and winding boardwalks over the bayou. It had been raining for a few days prior (and was drizzling while I was there) so everything was extra green.
I guess it wouldn’t be a nature park without critters and they were ev-er-y-where.
I highly recommend checking it out if you get the chance –